Potential Benefits of Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids(N3PUFAs)


Pharma New Zealand PNZ Limited, together with University of Auckland and New Zealand Centre of Research Excellence for Food Research published our own academic and scientific paper - “Potential Benefits of Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids(N3PUFAs) on Cardiovascular Health Associated with COVID-19: An Update for 2023” on a reputable academic publisher - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute( MDPI). Based on the paper, the N3PUFA™ Fish Oil regulates and modulate certain negative immunological overreaction effects, limit coagulopathy, and influence cell signaling and gene expression. They are well known to have antithrombotic, antiinflammatory, and pro-resolving properties, which can be advantageous for COVID-19 patients. The ingestion of N3PUFAs and/or their metabolites may prevent and manage cardiovascular and thrombotic issues in COVID-19 patients. It is, therefore, prudent to study the possible uses of fish oil/N3PUFA supplementation as an adjuvant to medication in COVID-19 patients at risk of vascular thrombotic events.

PNZ N3PUFA™ Series
Ethyl Esters: E80, E85, E90, and professional grades E93, E95
Triglycerides: T80, T85, T90, and professional grade T96